My volunteer placement in Bangkok is at the Banbangkhae Social Welfare Development Center for Older Persons. It is a very large facility and the oldest elderly home in Thailand. It has become a training facility and sets the standard for elder care nationwide.
Banbangkhae One can house four hundred and fifty residents at varying levels of care. It also is a community center for the elderly where older adults from the community can come to do free activities or get free medical care.
I am placed there with two fellow volunteers from CSU, Chico. Our first day there we were given a tour and had lunch with the staff. In one of the recreation rooms some elderly tried to teach us how to play a Thai instrument and do traditional Thai dancing. It was a lot of fun.
On a typical day, we try to help with the morning activities, which are exercise, singing, and meditation. One of my fellow volunteers was brave enough to sing karaoke. Then we go the “handy-craft room” where the older adults have taught us to help make local crafts. Around 11am we help feed some of the elderly that are bed-bound. After lunch we try to help where ever we can until the CCS van picks us up.
We have been surprised that several of the residents speak more English than their staff. Many of the Thai’s we have met seem to have studied abroad or sent their children abroad for college. They appear very excited to have someone around to practice their English with and socialize in general.
It has been a very rewarding experience. Next week I am looking forward the field work staff have planned where we will be going into the community and helping older adults in their own neighborhoods.
HI Lenette!
Thanks for keeping everyone updated. It has been fun following your activities and checking out the pictures. Sounds like you and Josh had a great time and the volunteer experience sounds like it’s going to be very rewarding. Wish I was there with all of you. Enjoy the rest of your trip and please tell everyone I say “Hello”. See you soon 🙂