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Pictures from Josh & Lenette

Josh & Lenette

Us, Travel, etc

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About Us

We met while living in Whitney Hall in 1998 while attending CSU, Chico.  We began and continue as friends but in March of that year we began dating.  We still believe it is important that we are friends first, partners second.

We have been very fortunate that in all our time together we have been able to grow as individuals and achieve our own goals.  Yet, we have still found a common path to lead us back to each other at the end of the day.

Our common goal has always been to travel the world and share that time together.  We are so excited to both be going on our first International trip.  We look forward to seeing many more countries and experiencing those unique cultures.

Many more memories to be added later!


To our friends and family,

We appreciate all the ways that you add to our life and strengthen us as a couple.

Take Care,

Josh & Lenette


8 comments to “About Us”

  1. Auntie Kiki Says:

    I think this is very cool. I love what you wrote about you both. I love you both and I am so glad to be part of your lives. I also feel you two are a great couple. As long as you keep your lines of communications open like you do, I feel you will be together forever. You will always enjoy being traveling partners. What a great way to see the world but with your best friend.

    No matter where I go, or who I’m with, where I live you two will always be welcome in my home.

    I love ya lots,
    Auntie Kiki

  2. Auntie Kiki Says:

    Well don’t know if you got my email to this website but I heard from Lorraine that you two got married. That’s the perfect way to do it. I don’t know if you have been putting pictures on this website yet but for some reason I can’t get to them. Hope to see some soon. I can’t wait to see ya.
    Love Ya lots,
    Auntie Kiki

  3. Auntie Lindy Says:

    Hi Lenette and Josh,
    I am so excited for you both! To be in Italy and now to be married there. What a wonderful memory you have created for yourselves and a beautiful beginning. My love and best wishes go out to the both of you.

    Love always,
    Auntie Lindy

  4. Kris Says:

    CONGRATS you guys —- Enjoy the rest of your trip!!!

  5. Auntie JoAnn Says:

    Congratulations!!! Auguri! Auguri!
    I don’t know how you were able to keep such a BIG secret, but I totally understand. How romantic to get married in Italy. Have a wonderful time on your honeymoon. Can’t wait to see you when you get back.

    I love you!
    Auntie JoAnn

  6. Auntie Debbie Says:

    Finally I got on this website. It is totally awesome, I’m so happy and wish you two a wonderful life. If your going to keep a secret, it might as well be GOOD ONE! I can’t wait to see you this weekend.

    Love you’s Me

  7. Kira and Mike Says:

    Well, you gave us quite a surprise… but a wonderful one! You two have such a strong and loving relationship, and we are so happy that you got married. We love you both and are so glad that we are sharing in your celebration.

  8. Donna Says:


    Congrats on your marriage! I came across your website in a search of Maratea. We are looking to elope in this month as well and was wondering if you can help with some information. I heard somewhere near Naples, perhaps, Maratea where they do have easy requirements for US citizens like us. What was your experience in legal aspect? Do you have the contact info for the town hall you got your Nulla Osta and Atto Notorio? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Best Wishes to you both!

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